Rob Italia: From doubt to winning medals.

Oct 8, 2020 | Hope Talk

Be inspired by Rob Italia, as he share his passion of advocacy in mental health and keeping active, in the best way that suits you can change your life.

Rob takes you on his personal journey of being a father of five, living through life challenges, and how with encouragement, willpower and hope, he is reaching goals that he may have doubted himself of.

As an Australian athlete, he is constantly evolving his personal best. Keeping physically active in competing in various events in his local area, state, national and internationally has given him a new lease on life’s perspective.

Raw, unedited aspects of life conversation. You will hear my voice squeal and even hit a low pitch. All guests share real life happenings. ‘Hope Talk with Rosa’ is about us. I aspire to inspire you. I also like to encourage others to inspire the community.

To keep the flow of uncomfortable conversations moving. I advocate for stories of birth, loss and the grieving process. They are not always welcomed topics of conversation. As a writer and publisher, I divulge in the creative expression of the spoken word and transform life experiences into literature.